Sunday, April 9, 2017




The key to dominating YOUTUBE MONETIZATION possibilities is to increase Youtube Video Watch Time. 50 percent of youtube traffic is now watched thru mobile devices enabling NEW YOUTUBE END CARDS with Mobile Annotations will drive traffice and Mobile Optimization.

Youtube seo optimization

This is one of the easiest youtube seo optimization tips that you can institue to maximize your seo for video by linking viewers to your other video content within 20 seconds. This youtube tutorial is a quick & easy youtube class on how to ending card endcards or end slate to keep viewers watching your videos thru new youtube mobile annotations. 

Youtube seo tips

Our Youtube seo tips quickly get your youtube seo optimization plan on track, end cards are one step to getting your useful content into the hands of youtube viewers everywhere. Use the new youtube endcars with mobile annotations NOW!


hey youtube this is passive cash stacker where we do internet how to's social media marketing and bottom plugin reviews.

Today we have some amazing news for YouTube a lot of people get really distraught because they do
annotations on YouTube and fifty percent of the traffic nowadays is watching on a smartphone and because people are watching on a smartphone when they have annotations they don't have the ability
to be able to go ahead and click on them now the great thing is YouTube just made it available to be able to have clickable annotations on your end cards so now you can use cards all the way through your video that people on cell phones can click on as well as people on desktop computers but also now they have end cards that are easily customizable and they actually can be copied and put on other videos as well so really really nice 

So we're going to show you the tips and tricks today on how to use them how
to quickly incorporate them into your videos and the things that you need to know before you get started alright so if you have them enabled you will see whenever you're editing your video
you'll see n screen and annotations now before this used to be just the annotations tab so right here it says end screen and annotations and so we're going to go ahead and go on that now you may not be eligible for this if it doesn't show and I think you might need to have at least a thousand subscribers
maybe I know previously that was the case but maybe they've rolled it out for everyone now so we're going to go ahead and go down there and what it will usually do is the last 20 seconds of a
video for your annotations

Ok and as you see here they have a little box that is where you can put your new annotations for it now in this video it's going to look kind of honky because I already have a end card that's set up and i also have voice in the background of this end car so it's actually going to look a little honky on this video but on all future videos that will be really easy because I know how to actually do this now they've made it really super smart and easy so what you can do is you can use a template that they provide and with the template that they provide you basically just click in and automatically set it up 

So right here you have one video and then your little icons so that they can subscribe to your thing so that's a video and subscribe and then they have a video a link to your website and the ability to subscribe and so thisautomatically sets it up for you got two videos and it automatically places it so you can have it the same in all of them all right and then you can come down and it's got four videos because you can have for max pieces in there so this gives you the ability to set it up so that you can always have the same format so that you can put your background the way that you want it or you can individually change it with each video so we're not going to select one of these because we don't like any of these

So let's go ahead and hit back now one other great option they have is if you've set up a custom template that you love you can actually import it from a video so you click import from video and if you've had other videos that you've made these templates for then you could select which video you like it from now the great thing about this is is say you have a couple different sets of types of videos so you make videos about clowns you make videos about cooking and you make videos about ice cream so you can actually have specific template setup for each one of these

So next time you make an ice cream video you can have your ice cream template set up that has all of the previously selected ice creamvideos which makes it super fast and super easy which is nice so we're not going to do that so we're gonna hit cancel here now one nice thing is when
you actually do this you can move them around however you want them 

Ok and let's go ahead and delete one of these and then we'll and show you so right here we have the
element you can select it and you can either delete it or you can edit how you want to have the video show up so right here we have a specific video that's showing up you can select any of the
videos that they have pre-selected and that's the previous videos that you've
done recently or you can come down here and you can search for videos that you
have and so you just type in your term you hit enter and it'll have all of
those types of videos pop up so you can quickly and easily go ahead and select
those which is nice and when you do that it actually shows you the videos that
coincide with that so it's nice so if you don't want that you just hit cancel
but like I said you can go ahead and set up four of them now you put them in
whatever selection that you want now one thing you need to know is you cannot
have them overlap so right here it says please add space between the elements so
you can't have them right on top of each other but you can move them around and
you can put them in any place that you want just as long as they don't overlap
which is pretty awesome so it's super customizable and it's super easy now
your tip and trick that you need to know is to be able to do this and be
successful with it you want to make sure that of course save it when you're done
but you want to make sure that you have a pre-selected background so whenever
you are making your video if you have edited your video make a pre-selected
background so this is a pre-selected background that I can have so that I can
run this the last 20 seconds because that's how long the end card is going to
be aged 20 seconds so have your background so then it'll have your video
here it'll have your video here your video here and then the little subscribe
button and the great thing is you just put this here and then you have the
ability for it to instantly make end cards 

Now I don't know if any of you have made end cards previously usually when you're trying to edit end cards and actually get the specific videos in there and actually have them doing action and stuff it's kind of hard it's kind of time consuming  and so now you can make an end card in 10 20 seconds which is phenomenal 

Also what you're going to want to do is you're probably going to want to use
some really good audio so if you don't want to use the mic on your computer you can use something like this blue Yeti microphone that you can pick up pretty reasonably you know you can get it usually online pretty cheap you will never have to have another microphone again you'll have crystal clear audio and all the videos that you make will go and have a link below for blue Yeti for
the last 20 seconds you will want to be saying something in your audio so that you can give calls to action and direction for people who are seeing the videos that are option like go ahead and
check out these next three videos right now or go ahead and subscribe to my channel on the button below all that kind of good stuff so that you will help so you will have the ability for you to
go ahead and set it up wherever you want it and have a clean and clear slate every single time and you'll have the ability to go ahead and have guaranteed more traffic more interaction and more
watch time which is what you are looking for to be able to make money on YouTube and that's what YouTube is looking forward to be able to send you more viewers 

So hopefully this was helpful if it was please give us a big thumbs up over here at passive cash stacker where we like to help you with internet how to's and social media marketing tips thanks for watching and we'll talk to you later share this video and subscribe now see how to link to multiple YouTube accounts to one adsense account learn a workaround for youtube upload errors and find out how to get 42 days of free premium cable once again thanks for watching and we'll see you next time.

youtube, endcards, end cards, annotations, mobile annotations, Ending card, seo, youtube seo, video optimization, youtube class, youtube end card, youtube annotations, endslate, end slate, youtube mobile annotations, video seo, learning youtube, youtube tutorial, seo optimisation, video tutorials, mobile optimization, youtube seo optimization, seo for video, seo video, youtube seo tips, seo youtube, seo youtube video, how to seo youtube videos

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